Thursday, March 15, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Netherlands: Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture, Facts, Guide & Travel/Holidays/Cities —
Netherlands: Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture, Facts, Guide & Travel/Holidays/Cities —
According to Wikipedia, Holland is the most gay-accepting country and allows employees to work smoke-free.
According to Wikipedia, Holland is the most gay-accepting country and allows employees to work smoke-free.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
For more than twenty years, somebody, as per my perception of - JustAnswer
For more than twenty years, somebody, as per my perception of - JustAnswer
For more than twenty years, somebody, as per my perception of the person(s) conversations to and about me, has been secretly spying on and interrogating me with some type(s) of electronic device(s). I am trying to determine how to stop the person(s) from spying on me. If I can determine the make and model of the electronic device(s) with which someone might be using to spy on me, then I might be able to stop the person(s) from spying on me by targeting the company that manufactures the electronic device(s) with which someone might be using to spy on me. Could the Terk Wireless Video Sender, which, according to Heartland America,, apparently sends audio and video signals through walls and floors, be used to spy on people located on the other side of walls, ceilings, or floors?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Unidentified Woman Laughed At Me
Today, February 28, 2012, between 11:30 AM and 12:43 PM, at the Bakersfield, California Rosedale Plaza Best Buy, a woman whom I don't even know laughed at me while I was, in her words, "watching a video," while she, apparently facing and looking at me, was standing in front of the back cash-register counter, and, at the same time, I was standing in front of a floor-model 6 GB DDR touch-screen Windows 7 PC that had been displayed on the shelf closest to the customer's right-hand side of that same store's back cash-register island, which was located in the aisle between the touch-screen and the tablet computers. I notified one of the cashiers located on the customer's right-hand side of that same cash-register island about that unfamiliar woman's suspicious behavior. Then, immediately, a slender, middle-aged, blond-haired Caucasian woman of average height, apparently buying something while standing in front of that same cashier's cash-register station, immediately spoke up. Upon recognizing that woman's voice, I then told that same cashier, who had immediately begun to leave his behind-the-counter post next to that same cash register and approach me, while I was standing in front and on the customer's right-hand side of that same cash-register island, "that might be the same woman who laughed at me...her voice sounds familiar...but she has never ever been my beneficiary in any way, shape, or form...check the surveillance video," a command with which that same cashier, a black-haired Asian-American man in his early thirties of average height and weight, apparently agreed, while facing me, with a reply, "Okay." At that very moment in time, while that same cashier was standing a few feet away from that same cash-register counter's far right-hand side, that same woman, still standing in front of that same cash-register counter at the location of that same cash register, did not turn to me at all in order to even remotely hint at having even barely acknowledged my presence at all in any way, shape, or form, while I remained standing, chillingly alone, in that empty row between the customer's right-hand side of that same cash-register counter and that same shelf on which was displayed that same touch-screen PC from which I had just viewed that same colorful amateur video about which that woman had just remarked, and on which I had also, at that very same time, listened to a children's song about ducks. The video did not move much, but was easy to edit into a variety of different colors and enhancements. As I sheepishly walked away from that PC, I left that duck song playing, somewhat loudly, at that, hoping that such an everlastingly jeering nature of that really dumb song would get that woman's goat by making her think that I was calling her a dumb duck. "Quack! Quack! That dumb duck," I hoped that woman thought that I was saying to everyone everywhere, all of whom would be understanding very clearly that I was speaking directly and obviously about her, "followed me all of the way to that store just to be called an idiotic duck really, really loudly right there in front of all of those people just so that all of the people of the world might understand really, really well how dumb that dumb duck really, really is!"
Intent upon not allowing that woman to get her way at making me seem insane, I tried to clear my eyes of fogginess and began to wander around those same computer aisles, trying to act like nothing unusual had occurred, while looking for those faster types of touch-screen computers, the ones with 6, not 4, GB of DDR memory, lightly tapping the tip of my index finger on practically every one of that same store's computer monitor's screens in order to determine which particular types of computers had been equipped with touch-screen operations. After reaching the aisle between the PCs and the Apples, to two women, who, while standing and talking in such a way as to be heard but, for some reason, not really understood, seemed to have something to do with that laughing woman's behavior, I turned and said, "beneficiaries." In about twenty minutes, I approached the front security guard, a light-brown-haired Caucasian man in his early thirties of above average height and weight, who was standing behind the front security island, and began to describe to that same security guard the behavior of that woman who had just laughed at me. In front of that same security island, to that same security guard, I pleaded, "In this store, just a few minutes ago, while I briefly had been ravenously salivating over the prospects of owning a brand new, fast and powerful touch-screen personal computer, a blond-haired woman had really, really loudly told me that I, in case I didn't know, was actually watching a video, as if I didn't really know what I was really doing, and then really, really loudly laughed at me, as if I could ever be so insane not even to know what I would be doing so much so that I would ever need anyone to follow me all the way to this store only to really obviously pretend to have to inform me about what I might be really doing, just so that she could get paid lots and lots of money for passing off to the public eye as some kind of professionally employed caretaker of the mentally ill, and then she bought something, yet there I was honestly looking for a good computer, and, by the way, I really do want a fast and powerful touch-screen computer, but I don't even have enough money to buy one, and that woman who laughed at me is not my beneficiary nor has ever been my beneficiary in any way, shape, or form, and she had enough money to buy something, and that's not fair." I had actually been shopping while bankrupt, for no one had ever claimed to be my beneficiary in the first place, and that strange woman with lots of money had showed up laughing at me for wanting a touch-screen computer, as if I could ever make sense out of a perfect stranger showing up just one more time again in my life completely out of the blue just to try to prove that she had been assigned a right to spy on and interrogate me for having hardly any money in the first place, compared to herself, anyway, for that matter, she would have probably thought, as far as I was concerned, considering her obvious love of and devotion for money, not people, when she really should have been nicer to everyone, including me, of course.
In the meantime, during that same conversation between myself and that same security guard, those other two women, one, the mother, upper middle-aged with grey, medium-length hair, and, side-by-side, alongside her, her daughter, wearing sunglasses, younger middle-aged with light-brown, shoulder-length hair, and slightly shorter than her apparently tired mother who seemingly had dutifully tagged along with that demanding family member of hers only to keep her company, both to whom I had said, "beneficiaries," had approached the customer's right-hand side of that same security island and also my right-hand side while I was still standing in front of that same security island. To that same security guard, that younger, shorter, light-brown-haired woman apparently said, "we were located at the tablet computers," and, at the same time, either handed something or simply showed something to that same security guard, who said to her, "you bought something," and then both of those women immediately walked through that same store's set of right exit doors located just beyond that same security island, in front of which I was still standing. At that same time, that same security guard, while still standing behind that same security island, then apologized to me for that other, previously-described, laughing woman's behavior, after having told me in that same brief, yet heartfelt, conversation, which he had held in confidence with me, that his company could not really do much of anything about that woman's behavior because she was a customer, not an employee. I immediately yet patiently then left that security island and walked through that same set of exit doors through which those two other women had just walked. That apparently decent man's sweet apology was a godsend and all I really needed from anyone, actually. If that evil woman could have just apologized to me, just once, just like that professional man could, then that annoying spying and interrogating might finally have been all over and I could finally have possessed a good life worth living. I wanted a bask in the sunlight, a stroll on the beach. When was I going to have that privacy I so desperately needed?
Just prior to that day's Best Buy shopping mishap, I had shopped at Walmart, adjacent to that same Best Buy store. Inside that Walmart, from one of the grocery aisle shelves, I had brought two boxes of Great Value Mashed Potatoes, both priced at $1.38, to one of the cash-register counters, behind which the cashier had stated that the total price for both boxes was "$2.76," for which I had told that same cashier, "I don't have the six cents...can you please delete one of them?" The new price, $1.38, for that single remaining mashed potatoes box, labeled with UPC 0-78742-06287-7 and Net Wt. 13 oz. (369 g), had resulted in a subtraction from the final remaining balance on my Walmart gift card account to a second final remaining balance of $1.32, which I later used on that same day for another shopping experience at that same Walmart after I had just left that adjacent Best Buy, where that blond-haired woman had just laughed at me.
At Walmart, on that second occasion, after having left that adjacent Best Buy, I had purchased three cans of Great Value Vienna Sausage, labeled with UPC 0-78742-43374-5 and Net Wt. 5 oz. (142 g), for a total price of $1.29, which resulted in a subtraction from the second final remaining balance on my Walmart gift card account to a third final remaining balance of $0.03. After that same purchase, while immediately walking out of that same Walmart store and passing in front of that same Walmart's check-out lanes, I heard that same woman laughing at me and, turning to the check-out lanes, stopped and, blindly to the air around me, asked, "Is that you...the video woman?" Not seeing that woman, I kept on walking out of that Walmart store right through that same store's set of front exit doors and, while on the sidewalk adjacent to the front of that same Walmart, walking towards the customer's right-hand side of that store, that is, when the customer would be facing the store's front entrance, I heard apparently that same woman laughing at me again, yet, even while turning around, though briefly, in order to perhaps be lucky enough to quickly identify her, I did not see her that time, either. I turned back around and, still on that same sidewalk, walked straight ahead to that same store's Golden Empire Transit bus stop located a few yards past the end of that Walmart store's customer's right-hand side, that is, when the customer would be facing that same store from that same store's front parking lot, and then waited for and soon boarded the next departing number 14-Downtown bus, on which I rode back home, where, while, although apparently being spied on, I gently cooked some mashed potatoes and sausage, as if there wasn't anything so bizarre about being spied on inside my own apartment that common household operations like cooking and cleaning didn't really seem out of the question. I poured some of the powdered mashed potatoes right out of the box into a medium-sized stainless-steel bowl, added some hot faucet water, stirred, with a teaspoon, the hot water and powdered potatoes, stopping at that stiffening point when the water-potatoes mixture held that familiar consistency reminiscent of real mashed potatoes, drained a can of Vienna sausages, quickly dropped all eight of the cold Vienna sausages right onto the top of the warm mashed potatoes, and finally ate it all up. Yum!
As far as I am concerned, the above-described events might be directly related to my unfamiliar experiences of being at least seemingly personally spied on, perhaps combined at least seemingly with being secretly interrogated, both unfamiliar experiences at least seemingly related to unfamiliar torture methods at least seemingly conducted as if by personally unidentified strangers, at least seemingly utilizing certain, as of yet undisclosed, secret information-gathering methods, at least seemingly related to at least some of what might be my own personal experiences at least seemingly involving spiritually-invasive two-way communicative disturbances at least seemingly resembling the paranormal or supernatural. Regarding any of the above-described events, if you have any information that could lead to an arrest, please contact the Bakersfield police department.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Self-Employmnet For the Disabled
Do some people have a spelling disability, for instance, "EMPLOYMEEEEEENNNNNNT?"
Friday, February 17, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Resume: Laser Hair Removal – At-Home Laser Hair Removal & ...
Resume: Laser Hair Removal – At-Home Laser Hair Removal & ...: Laser Hair Removal – At-Home Laser Hair Removal & Reviews | TRIA Beauty The home device is weaker than the office model and must be used mo...
Laser Hair Removal – At-Home Laser Hair Removal & Reviews | TRIA Beauty
Laser Hair Removal – At-Home Laser Hair Removal & Reviews | TRIA Beauty
The home device is weaker than the office model and must be used more frequently for longer time periods per hair removal session.
I am worth $3,849,190 on - How much are you worth?
I am worth $3,849,190 on - How much are you worth?: Have you been thinking about putting yourself up for sale lately? Ever wonder how much money you could get on the open human market? Our fun quiz will attempt to place a value on your life.
The first time I answered the questions with the best case scenario. The second time I answered the questions with nothing but the truth. I got the same worth after both instances of answering the same questions!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I am worth $3,849,190 on - How much are you worth?
I am worth $3,849,190 on - How much are you worth?: Have you been thinking about putting yourself up for sale lately? Ever wonder how much money you could get on the open human market? Our fun quiz will attempt to place a value on your life.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I'll Play It Better Next Time
Three new songs: I'll Play It Better Next Time, All Is In His Plan, and All Is to Prepare Us for Heaven.
I'll Play It Better Next Time
Three news songs: I'll Play It Better Next Time, All Is In His Plan, and All Is to Prepare Us for Heaven.
Friday, February 10, 2012
I Can't Drive Far
Some wish I could drive, but I actually like to walk. Driving is a hassle, anyway.
I Can't Drive Far
Some wish I could drive, but I actually like to walk. Driving is a hassle, anyway.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Stephen Michael Richards vs. Capital One Bank
Stephen Michael Richards vs. Capital One Bank, a set on Flickr.
Several Sacramento County Superior Court Case and Report Numbers Regarding Capital One Bank, American Express, and Stephen Michael Richards, et al...What are these cases all about?
Sunday, February 5, 2012
After Walking Back Home
After having walked back home from the mall on the night before recording this video, I pleaded with the GET bus driver to give me the right to take the bus back home. Then I felt better writing/singing another brand new song for/to that same bus driver.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Monsters In the Windows
In Bakersfield, California at the Truxtun Radiology Medical Group clinic my ultrasound abdominal scan was scheduled for 07:30 AM, one-half hour prior to that same clinic's front entrance door's posted opening time, I discovered, of 08:00 AM. Puzzled, I looked around the building for a while before my appointment.
Monsters In the Windows
My ultrasound abdominal scan at the Truxtun Radiology Medical Group clinic in Bakersfield, California was scheduled for 07:30 AM, one-half hour prior to that same clinic's front entrance door's posted opening time, I discovered, of 08:00 AM. Puzzled, I looked around the building for a while before my appointment.
The Effects of Probiotics On A Non-Bilirubin-Enzyme Mutated Adult Male
Can the ultrasound scanner stop beaming sonar vibrations to the imaged patients? Since 1987, I have been hearing people, secretly, from afar, prying and talking about and to me while referring to my past and present behaviors. As of 1981, I have been diagnosed with Gilbert Syndrome, a kind of mutation, or, to certain specific environmental variations, a kind of genetic adaptation, specifically, in this case, a genetic change to the DNA involving a loss of the enzyme that breaks down bilirubins. Truxtun Radiology Medical Group has discovered polyps in my gallbladder. Could my gallbladder have polyps taking up space that normally would hold bile, a by-product of bilirubin breakdown? Since I also have been diagnosed with a heart murmur, could my gallbladder, not my heart, be the actual source of the extra noise that apparently shows up in my echocardiogram? Could my echocardiogram reveal vibrations that appear to stem from the heart but actually show absorbed ultrasonic vibrations that emanate from my gallbladder? In addition, could my Gilbert Syndrome not necessarily be the Gilbert Syndrome recessive gene passed on from the parents to the offspring's DNA, but, instead, have resulted from another type of distinct mutation, which, although causing signs and symptoms similar to those of Gilbert Syndrome, could have happened to me in another entirely different way at my own conception, during which a chemical, such as a pesticide or pest repellant, might have been present in the environment and might have removed the bilirubin-break-down-enzyme-synthesis code from my newly conceived DNA? At my conception, inside my mother’s body, could an already inhaled or ingested synthetic chemical, which might have been a mimic of the human bilirubin chemical assay, have pushed, through static repulsion and osmosis, my mother's natural, yet, at that time, as a result of the presence of a bilirubin-mimic chemical, unbroken-down, whole bilirubins into the fluids in and/or around my mother's egg and thereby, from the immediate presence of whole bilirubins together with the conceived egg’s DNA, caused my conceived DNA to lose the ability to synthesize the bilirubin-breakdown enzyme from its contained bilirubin-breakdown-enzyme-synthesis code and, instead, gain the ability to develop a fetus familiar with permanently whole bilirubins? In response to the fetal permanent presence of whole, not broken down, bilirubins, could my conceived DNA's bilirubin-breakdown-enzyme-synthesis code have become recessive, i.e., latent or undeveloped? In response to the mutated DNA present during my fetal development, could my hepatic ducts have become anatomically different in such as way as to pump more quickly and efficiently, in contrast to those fetuses lacking such types of non-bilirubin-enzyme mutations, in order to pass more bilirubins into my bloodstream?
As a result of my unusually strong liver functions, at this present time, could my gallbladder and/or hepatic ducts be emitting ultrasonic vibrations similar to those of certain types of mosquitoes detected by certain bats, which might contain within their own bodies, perhaps even their own gallbladders and/or hepatic ducts, ultrasonic frequencies similar to those of my own gallbladder and/or hepatic ducts? Could those mosquito-eating bats, unconsiously measuring the mosquitoes' distances from the bats in relation to the bats' screeching echoes, sense internal body irritations caused by the mosquitoes’ ultrasonic vibrations subtly clashing with the similar ultrasonic frequencies of the bats' gallbladders and/or hepatic ducts? Could the bats thus try to relieve those annoying irritations by catching the buzzing airborne culprits and eating them? Could mosquitoes hear my liver and/or gallbladder's ultrasonic vibrations and get closer to me in an attempt to mate with another mosquito, then, finding no potential mates, want to suck my blood in an attempt to feed, but then smell the extra bilirubins' odor emanating from my skin capillaries and quickly fly away from me? If so, could mosquitoes stay away from me at least in part because mosquitoes die more quickly from consuming human blood laden with more than the normal amounts of human blood borne bilirubins? Could my blood's extra bilirubins actually serve as an insect repellant in response to a synthetic chemical pesticide or pest repellant human bilirubin-chemical-assay-mimic that might have been located in the nearby atmosphere and/or on and/or in the ground at the time and place of my conception, which probably occurred in or around January of 1963, around 9 months prior to my birth date, October 12, 1963, and possibly in or around my birth place, Boston, Massachusetts. At that exact time of my conception, could a certain airplane and/or other aircraft have flown over my parents and released a certain chemical that might have mutated my DNA? If so, who might have been flying that airplane or aircraft and of what particular make and model and in what year might that particular airplane or aircraft have been manufactured?
I arrived at the above questions after I began wondering, yesterday, February 02, 2012, after having received Truxtun Radiology Medical Group's ultrasound imagings of my abdominal region, specifically my liver and gall bladder, why my consumed over-the-counter probiotic food supplements have been exhibiting a reverse effect on my cravings for complex carbohydrates. After one has consumed over-the-counter probiotic food supplements, do the consumed subsequently thriving probiotic bacteria inside one’s body then consume the body's already-consumed dietary complex carbohydrates and then excrete, from carbohydrate metabolism, dietary bioavailable glucose? Could my body utilize normally-carbohydrate-digesting enzymes in order to digest fats and proteins, including those in meats and dairy products, in the liver, which normally uses broken-down bilirubin by-products to digest fats? If so, in my body, could dairy products, passing from the stomach to the liver along with consumed meat proteins, attached to the same types of protein-attached fats as in dairy products, get shunted to my liver for fat digestion along with the probiotics contained within the dairy products, when usually dairy products and probiotics pass to the small intestine, where usually the probiotics adhere to the small intestine's lining and digest complex carbohydrates? Could my lactose-digesting enzyme, lactase, pass, with the consumed dairy products' lactose, from my stomach to my liver? Then, in my liver, could lactase, normally present in the small intestine, break down the dairy products' lactose into glucose? Could my liver use that glucose, normally present in the small intestine, for energy with which to digest fats and proteins? Could my small intestine lack normal amounts of glucose energy normally utilized for powering carbohydrate digestion? Could a lack of lactase in my small intestine hinder the effectiveness of other carbohydrate-metabolizing enzymes normally present in the small intestine for digesting complex carbohydrates? In my body, could fat digestion take priority over carbohydrate digestion because any undigested fat molecules passing from the liver into the bloodstream bind up with the extra bilirubins flowing within my blood, resultantly clogged up more so than from, in contrast to bodies without Gilbert Syndrome, digesting complex carbohydrates more slowly and less efficiently? Could my body get enough glucose from complex carbohydrates, by, without having adapted any anatomical methods of quickly and efficiently digesting complex carbohydrates, storing up more glucose energy reserves in the resultantly larger adipose tissues’ lipid molecules? Are any answers to any of the above questions any possible reasons for my quick and inevitable experiences of significant weight loss and substantial complex carbohydrate consumption reduction, both of which apparently occur in response to any time I voluntarily consume more probiotics in the form of food supplements, not dairy products?
As a result of my unusually strong liver functions, at this present time, could my gallbladder and/or hepatic ducts be emitting ultrasonic vibrations similar to those of certain types of mosquitoes detected by certain bats, which might contain within their own bodies, perhaps even their own gallbladders and/or hepatic ducts, ultrasonic frequencies similar to those of my own gallbladder and/or hepatic ducts? Could those mosquito-eating bats, unconsiously measuring the mosquitoes' distances from the bats in relation to the bats' screeching echoes, sense internal body irritations caused by the mosquitoes’ ultrasonic vibrations subtly clashing with the similar ultrasonic frequencies of the bats' gallbladders and/or hepatic ducts? Could the bats thus try to relieve those annoying irritations by catching the buzzing airborne culprits and eating them? Could mosquitoes hear my liver and/or gallbladder's ultrasonic vibrations and get closer to me in an attempt to mate with another mosquito, then, finding no potential mates, want to suck my blood in an attempt to feed, but then smell the extra bilirubins' odor emanating from my skin capillaries and quickly fly away from me? If so, could mosquitoes stay away from me at least in part because mosquitoes die more quickly from consuming human blood laden with more than the normal amounts of human blood borne bilirubins? Could my blood's extra bilirubins actually serve as an insect repellant in response to a synthetic chemical pesticide or pest repellant human bilirubin-chemical-assay-mimic that might have been located in the nearby atmosphere and/or on and/or in the ground at the time and place of my conception, which probably occurred in or around January of 1963, around 9 months prior to my birth date, October 12, 1963, and possibly in or around my birth place, Boston, Massachusetts. At that exact time of my conception, could a certain airplane and/or other aircraft have flown over my parents and released a certain chemical that might have mutated my DNA? If so, who might have been flying that airplane or aircraft and of what particular make and model and in what year might that particular airplane or aircraft have been manufactured?
I arrived at the above questions after I began wondering, yesterday, February 02, 2012, after having received Truxtun Radiology Medical Group's ultrasound imagings of my abdominal region, specifically my liver and gall bladder, why my consumed over-the-counter probiotic food supplements have been exhibiting a reverse effect on my cravings for complex carbohydrates. After one has consumed over-the-counter probiotic food supplements, do the consumed subsequently thriving probiotic bacteria inside one’s body then consume the body's already-consumed dietary complex carbohydrates and then excrete, from carbohydrate metabolism, dietary bioavailable glucose? Could my body utilize normally-carbohydrate-digesting enzymes in order to digest fats and proteins, including those in meats and dairy products, in the liver, which normally uses broken-down bilirubin by-products to digest fats? If so, in my body, could dairy products, passing from the stomach to the liver along with consumed meat proteins, attached to the same types of protein-attached fats as in dairy products, get shunted to my liver for fat digestion along with the probiotics contained within the dairy products, when usually dairy products and probiotics pass to the small intestine, where usually the probiotics adhere to the small intestine's lining and digest complex carbohydrates? Could my lactose-digesting enzyme, lactase, pass, with the consumed dairy products' lactose, from my stomach to my liver? Then, in my liver, could lactase, normally present in the small intestine, break down the dairy products' lactose into glucose? Could my liver use that glucose, normally present in the small intestine, for energy with which to digest fats and proteins? Could my small intestine lack normal amounts of glucose energy normally utilized for powering carbohydrate digestion? Could a lack of lactase in my small intestine hinder the effectiveness of other carbohydrate-metabolizing enzymes normally present in the small intestine for digesting complex carbohydrates? In my body, could fat digestion take priority over carbohydrate digestion because any undigested fat molecules passing from the liver into the bloodstream bind up with the extra bilirubins flowing within my blood, resultantly clogged up more so than from, in contrast to bodies without Gilbert Syndrome, digesting complex carbohydrates more slowly and less efficiently? Could my body get enough glucose from complex carbohydrates, by, without having adapted any anatomical methods of quickly and efficiently digesting complex carbohydrates, storing up more glucose energy reserves in the resultantly larger adipose tissues’ lipid molecules? Are any answers to any of the above questions any possible reasons for my quick and inevitable experiences of significant weight loss and substantial complex carbohydrate consumption reduction, both of which apparently occur in response to any time I voluntarily consume more probiotics in the form of food supplements, not dairy products?
gilbert syndrome,
heart murmur,
sonar vibrations,
truxtun radiology medical group,
ultrasound scanner,
2027 19th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301, USA
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Music Production Graduate Schools | Academy of Art University
Music Production Graduate Schools Academy of Art University
I need an online school program that includes cartooning, animation, painting, filmmaking, photography, sculpturing, puppetry, creative writing, and music composition.
I need an online school program that includes cartooning, animation, painting, filmmaking, photography, sculpturing, puppetry, creative writing, and music composition.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
WKU Outdoor Leadership Course
Did Jones Jaggers Hall, location of WKU Child Care Centers, inside support an elementary school in the years 1970-1972?
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Dark-eyed Junco(Junco hyemalis)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Local Gay Artists Cornish Sculpture BANNED from Cornwall Gay Pride 2011
Dear Golden Empire Transit:
At the web page,, the following statement is discriminatory:
"If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination under Title VI, you may file a written complaint. Please address your complaint to: Chief Executive Officer, Golden Empire Transit, 1830 Golden State Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301. If you are unable or incapable of providing a written statement, a verbal complaint of discrimination may be made to the Chief Executive Officer at 661-324-9874." The statement suggests that if one even just happens to call the advertised number, then one could be accused of being "unable or incapable" of any writing whatsoever. In addition, as far as I am concerned, even if one were to write, and then call, the advertised number, one could be accused of losing any of one's writing abilities, including any of those writing-related abilities that someone, not necessarily oneself, might have already used in writing any letters to anyone or any company at all in the first place.
Furthermore, at the web contact place,, the video lacks any information about what might be unsafe, or discriminatory, as described above, about calling any of the same website's advertised telephone numbers or writing to any of the same website's mailing addresses.
Stephen M. Richards
SMR Productions
Bakersfield, California
Home Phone: (661) 342-7199
E-Mail Address:
me: Hello.
Sent at 2:55 PM on Saturday
me: If I don't get paid for walking home, what can someone do in the back when he makes love on the bus in order to get the money that I would have gotten for walking home?
Sent at 3:06 PM on Saturday
me: If I don't get paid for walking home, what can someone do on the bus when he makes love in the back in order to get the money that I would have gotten for walking home?
Sent at 3:08 PM on Saturday
me: If I don;t get paid for walking home, what can someone do on the bus in the back in order to get the money that I would have gotten for walking home?
Sent at 3:09 PM on Saturday
me: If I don't get paid for walking home, what can someone do in the back on the bus in order to get the money that I would have gotten for walking home?
1. Use a condom.
2. Rectal.
3. Vaginal.
5. Hand(s).
6. Lips.
7. Yongue.
8. Mouth (all).
9. Laying.
10. Standing.
11. Uterine device.
12. Lights on.
13. Lights off.
14. Camera.
15. Mirrors.
16. Climax.
17. Floor.
18. Seat.
19. Pills.
20. Smoke.
21. Eat.
22. Drink.
23. No condom.
24. Windows open.
Windows closed.
26. Door, front, open.
27. Door, front, closed.
28. Door, back, open.
29. Door, back, closed.
30. Door, front and back, open.
31. Doors, front and back, closed.
32. Clothing on.
33. Clothing off.
35. Straight.
36. hat on.
hats off.
38. glasses on.
39. glasses off.
40. contacts in.
41. contacts out.
42. lipstick on.
43. lipstick off.
44. wig on.
45. wig off.
46. drag
47. not drag
48. dance.
49. not dance.
50. music.
51. no music.
52. call.
53. not call.
54. tv
55. no tv
57. no porn
58. check.
59. cash.
60. money order.
61. prostitute.
62. no prostitute.
63. hustler.
64. no hustler.
65. walk.
66. ride.
67. talk.
68. stay quiet.
69. laugh.
70. remain serious
71. talk about me
72. not tlak about me
state my name
not state my name
75. state somebody else's name
76. not state somebody else's name
77. write about me
78. not write about me
79. write about somebody else
80. not write about somebody else
81. call and write
82. not call and write
83. call and write about me
84. not call and not write about me
85. call and write about somebody else
86. not call and not write about somebody else
87. shoes
88. no shoes
89. shirt
90. no shirt
91. no shoes and no shirt
92. shoes and shirt
93. wear my old shoes
94. not wear my old shoes
95. wear my old underwear
96. not wear my old underwear
97. wear my old glasses
98. not wear my old glasses
99. wear my old contacts
100. not wear my old contacts
THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!
THEY WEAR MY OLD CONTACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent at 3:28 PM on Saturday
me: If I don't get paid for walking home, someone can make love in the back of the bus wearing my old contacts.
Sent at 3:34 PM on Saturday
me: If they wear my old contacts, they can:
1. not see my butt on the way home
2. see my butt on the way home
3. see someone else's butt on the bus
4. not see someone else's butt on the bus
5. see something else on the bus
6. not see something else on the bus
7. find their condom
8. not find their condom
9. find something else
10. not find something else
11. look like me
12. not look like me
13. know my past prescription
14. not know my past prescription
15. know how far I have travelled
16. not know how far I have travelled
17. know when I have gotten home
18. not know when I have gotten home
19. know my walking speed
20. not know my walking speed
21. follow me
22. not follow me
23. know I am not wearing my contacts
24. not know I am not wearing my contacts
25. know how well I can see without contacts
26. not know how well I can see without contacts
gamble over my speed
28. not gamble over my speed
29. bet when I will get home
30. not bet when I will get home
31. add their bets to the internet
32. not add their bets to the internet
33. add their bets to bingo
34. not add their bets to bingo
measure their new prescriptions
36. not measure their new prescriptions
determine if their eyes are better or worse than mine
38. not determine if their eyes are better or worse than mine
determine if they can walk faster or slower than me
not determine if they can walk faster or slower than me
41. Try out for the marathon
42. not try out for the marathon
43. Expect me to run in the marathon
44. Not expect me to run in the marathon
45. Expect to beat me in the marathon
46. not expect to beat me in the marathon
47. Expect to wear my old contacts in the marathon
48. Not expect to wear my old contacts in the marathon
49. expect me to wear my old contacts in the marathon
50. not expect me to wear my old contacts in the marathon
51. expect me to wear contacts in the marathon
52. not expect me to wear contacts in the marathon
THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THEY EXPECT ME TO WEAR CONTACTS IN THE MARATHON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent at 3:54 PM on Saturday
me: When I don't get paid to walk home, someone bets when I'll get home and wears my old contacts expecting to beat me wearing contacts in the marathon.
Sent at 3:56 PM on Saturday
me: When I don't get paid to walk home, someone makes love in the back of the bus wearing my old contacts and grunts when I get home to tell the better when to mark the time and start the bidding for the contacts to be worn by the next contestant to make love in the back of the bus.
Sent at 4:00 PM on Saturday
Sent at 4:02 PM on Saturday
Travel Safety & Courtesies
If You Call, You Can't Write
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination under Title VI, you may file a written complaint. Please address your complaint to: Chief Executive OfficerGolden Empire Transit1830 Golden State AvenueBakersfield, CA 93301. If you are unable or incapable of providing a written statement, a verbal complaint of discrimination may be made to the Chief Executive Officer at 661-324-9874.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Flirting with Siri - iPhone 4S
Siri Is No Gag Gift
The video's demonstrated Siri phone text-displays the name, "Jeremy," but at the same time does not state anything. Therefore, a live human being on the other end of the line might have been text-displaying with and talking to the video's callers, not necessarily an automated, computerized, synthesized voice, similar to the "Eight Ball" fortune-telling gag gift. See: at Watch carefully from the video's beginning into the video's timeline at exactly 01:20 minutes, when the name, "Jeremy," is text-displayed, not stated, and the video's caller's unseen, off-camera, friend says, "ask her if she wants to explore your body."
Update on the future of Office Live Small Business
Update on the future of Office Live Small Business
My Office Live personal website has an ugly displayed advertisement that I added and want to remove, but Microsoft has been charging me online for accessing and, therefore, editing my Office Live personal website. The government warns against entering any personal information, including account numbers, into any websites. How do I access and, therefore, edit my Office Live personal website?
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